Friday, April 3, 2009

ShopWurld Nbg - Our Team Doubles Again!

Wow! I am so loving my decision to join ShopWurld's new AND FREE home based business back in January, 2009. For March, my goal was quite simple... double our team size from 44 network partners to 88. To accomplish our goal, each team member would need to successfully invite 1 new member to the team. How hard could that be? After all, to join ShopWurld is completely FREE and requires:

No Investment!
No Selling!
No Inventory!
No Risk!
... and has No Income Limits!

The really kool thing about ShopWurld is that you can operate your ShopWurld home business WITHOUT increasing your current household budget by one cent!

Well, needless to say, we reached our goal. If fact, we finished the month with 89 ShopWurld network partners on our team!

I guess that means that our April goal will be 178. No, let's make it 180! I'll work extra hard and somehow, some way, I'll find 2 extra individuals who want to share in this exciting FREE opportunity.

Well... I gotta run! I have less than 30 days to successfully invite 3 new members to our ShopWurld team.

Hey! What about you? Would you like to preview our ShopWurld home business opportunity? You can check out this awesome home business opportunity by visiting any one of our sites: Save N Shop Wurld Nbg, Shop To Earn Nbg, or ShopWorld Nbg.

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