Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Team: Save N Shop Wurld Nbg is Born!

Hi everyone!

My name is Bobby Williams. I received an email e-vitation back on January 15, 2009. I knew that it was a home based business invite. Why? Because, like most home based entrepreneurial minded individuals, I'm used to getting a ton of emails, most of them home based business solicitations, so I've developed a keen eye for them and can spot them coming a mile away.

Also, as a home based business entrepreneur, I fully understand the importance and value of due diligence - that is, exploring each opportunity presented to you, making sure that you don't overlook an achievable explosive income opportunity. I quickly opened the email and started my ShopWurld journey.

As I started the uTube video presentation, I quickly noticed that it was a pretty kool video - sharp and professional in appearance. Not too fast I thought to my self! Don't get sucked into this mess just because of a neat little uTube video. So, I quickly raised my "wall of objection" as I loaded my list of "ready made" objections into my mind.

Objection #1:
I already have a Xocai healthy chocolate home business that I'm working, so marketing THIS program CANNOT compete OR interfere with my existing home based business development marketing. After all, I'm doing pretty well with my Xocai home business and I don't want to take anything away from it.

Objection #1 Dismissed:
Marketing the ShopWurld opportunity will not compete or interfere with my existing home based business. If fact, it will make a great compliment to my existing business.

Objection #2:
I don't need another bill! Joining home based businesses cost money! By the time, you scrape together enough money to cover the initial "start up" fees, you STILL have to deal with the "monthly autoship" fees until you can develop your business to the point of "break even". This could take months! Most people join home based businesses because they need some financial relief NOW!

Objection #2 Dismissed:
The ShopWurld home business opportunity requires:

No Investment!
No Selling!
No Inventory!
No Risk!
and... perhaps best of all... NO INCOME LIMITS!
That alone, makes this business EXTREMELY easy to promote and market!

Objection #3:
Does this company offer a product or service that I can "personally" endorse and support?
Make no mistake! Developing a successful home based business requires a tremendous amount of passion for the company and it's products or services. If you do not, you will most like fail!

Objection #3 Dismissed:
ShopWurld did not invent "affiliate marketing". That all started with and those companies. However, before ShopWurld, only the "tech-savy", "web designing", internet marketing guru's were able to participate and grab a reasonable share of the estimated 10 billion dollar affiliate marketing income pool. ShopWurld has created a home based business system that allows each of it's network partners (just ordinary individuals)grab a share "as big as they want"!

Well... with all my objections satisfied.... I JOINED THE COMPANY!

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