Friday, June 19, 2009

*** Inportant ShopWurld Update ***

On May 14, 2009, Based on comments and feedback from our network partners, ShopWurld is pleased to announce that significant improvements will be made to our home business program.

To help facilitate the much needed changes, ShopWurld has brought in a new Executive Management Team which will be headed by two pioneers in Internet Marketing and Network Marketing - Chuck Stebbins and Issac McLemore.

Chuck Stebbins is a founding partner in Intermix, parent company of MySpace. MySpace was later sold to Fox for over $580 million. Chuck Stebbins is an expert in Internet Marking.

Issac McLemore is an Expert Network Marketer and “THE” Master Distributor. Issac McLemore is the Mastermind behind the Metabolife success.

These two “Internet Giants” have already started to reposition ShopWurld as the “Premier” FREE to JOIN home based business Opportunity.

The re-launch of ShopWurld is tentatively scheduled for July 1st.

Go to to join today!

Need more incentive? Check out this recent conference call to see what you will be missing:

Friday, April 3, 2009

ShopWurld Nbg - Our Team Doubles Again!

Wow! I am so loving my decision to join ShopWurld's new AND FREE home based business back in January, 2009. For March, my goal was quite simple... double our team size from 44 network partners to 88. To accomplish our goal, each team member would need to successfully invite 1 new member to the team. How hard could that be? After all, to join ShopWurld is completely FREE and requires:

No Investment!
No Selling!
No Inventory!
No Risk!
... and has No Income Limits!

The really kool thing about ShopWurld is that you can operate your ShopWurld home business WITHOUT increasing your current household budget by one cent!

Well, needless to say, we reached our goal. If fact, we finished the month with 89 ShopWurld network partners on our team!

I guess that means that our April goal will be 178. No, let's make it 180! I'll work extra hard and somehow, some way, I'll find 2 extra individuals who want to share in this exciting FREE opportunity.

Well... I gotta run! I have less than 30 days to successfully invite 3 new members to our ShopWurld team.

Hey! What about you? Would you like to preview our ShopWurld home business opportunity? You can check out this awesome home business opportunity by visiting any one of our sites: Save N Shop Wurld Nbg, Shop To Earn Nbg, or ShopWorld Nbg.

Friday, March 27, 2009

College Fundraising Ideas

Are you looking for a unique, easy, and quite effective way to start a virtually FREE College Fund for yourself or your child? Is your college fraternity or sorority searching for unique No cost, No risk college fundraising ideas?

Let's face it. College fundraising can be quite a huge undertaking. More and more college students and and families are faced with the task of finding money to cover rising tuition costs and expenses. College non profit organizations continue to see donations dwindle and dwindle as even their most loyal supporters face financial woes of their own and can no longer afford to contribute financially to the college non profit organization. What you need is a college fund raising machine that will generate and deliver monthly residual checks to your door step, month after month!

A college fund raising machine? Sounds too good to be true, right? Well... hold your horses for a minute. In January, 2009, a new and exciting company called ShopWurld launched it's home based business program. This new and exciting home based business has a new revolutionary viral fundraising program specifically designed to help charity and non profit organizations the opportunity to create monthly residual income donation income streams! This new fundraising concept has already started changing the landscape in the fundraising world. Charity and non profit organizations, large and small have already started using the ShopWurld fundraising program to restock their fundraising processes. Among them are the National Kidney Foundation, American Cancer Society, Ronald McDonald House, Special Olympics of New York, Arthritis Foundation, Kutztown Cheerleaders, Kingdom Life Church, South End Youth Baseball, and Pi Kappa Phi.

Perhaps, the most exciting thing about ShopWurld is that it costs nothing to join. It requires:


As a home based business, ShopWurld is an excellent NO COST business that will allow you to create yourself an impressive monthly residual income that most people can only dream about!

Families are joining ShopWurld for the purpose of creating residual income college funds for their children. College students join ShopWurld to create monthly residual income streams to help them cover monthly expenses and rising tuition costs. In fact, many college students are securing their financial futures by joining ShopWurld now, and building their home base businesses so that when they graduate, they won't have to worry about looking for work or worry about starting a career - THEY will already have a thriving home based business that generates monthly residual income checks worth thousands of dollars.

Visit our any one of our ShopWurld family of sites: Save N Shop Wurld Nbg, ShopWorld Nbg, and Shop To Earn Nbg for complete details on this awesome new home based business / charity fundraising machine!

Monday, March 16, 2009

ShopWurld Nbg - March 2009

Team ShopWurld NBG is really growing in March! Our team is on track to double in size for the second straight month. So far, this month, 30 new members have joined our team. That's almost 2 new members per day. Way to go team! Join the ShopWurld fun and Shop to Earn your way to financial freedom!

Also, help us spread the word about the new ShopWurld Viral Fundraising prgram. This fundraising program is completely free to all charities and non profit organizations and involves no investment or financial risk at all! Check out this new and exciting Fundraising program and tell your favorite charity or non profit organization so that they can join ShopWurld!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ShopWurld Nbg - My First 60 Days!

Team ShopWurld NBG continues to grow! For the month of February, our team doubled in size from 22 to 44! Our March goal is set at 88. Our team also signed up our first non-profit organization, Morgan County Peers Project into the ShopWurld Free Viral Fundraising program. You are encouraged to click on their link above and join their ShopWurld team. Remember! ShopWurld is FREE to join!

If you have a favorite charity or non-profit organization that you would like to join ShopWurld Fundraising, simply go to our ShopWurld site and get them enrolled!

Monday, February 23, 2009

ShopWurld Nbg - 2 New Members Join Team: Save N ShopWurld Nbg

Team Save N Shop Wurld Nbg is growing! Congratulations to Debbie Boyce and Clarence Eugene! Welcome to ShopWurld Team: Save N Shop Wurld Nbg. If you are a friend or family member of Debbie or Clarence, or just want to join our exciting ShopWurld team, click on their links above and check out their awesome ShopWurld home business opportunity.

Debbie and Clarence, go to our team website: Save N Shop Wurld Nbg and send me an email if you wish to take advantage of our FREE team marketing resources!

Remember, ShopWurld is open to individuals, businesses, charities, and non profit organizations. Use ShopWurld to revolutionize your fund raising process to deliver residual income donations, month after month, year after year!

Charitable and non profit organizations that have already joined our program include National Kidney Foundation, American Cancer Society, Ronald McDonald House, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Arthritis Foundation, Bais Chana High School, Kutztown Cheerleaders, Faith Development Ministers Center and many more.

Also remember,

To join ShopWurld requires:
No Investment...Ever!
No Selling!
No Inventory!
No Risk!
and... No Income Limits!

Explore your ShopWurld Income Opportunity here!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

ShopWurld - My First 30 Days!

Hi everyone. Bobby Williams here. Just wanted to let everyone know how my first 30 days are going with my new ShopWurld home based business. I received my email invitation on January 15, 2009 and immediately joined the business since Shopwurld does not cost anything (no investment), there's no selling, no inventory, no risk ...AND no income limits!

I decided to build myself a website to help me build, market, and promote my new ShopWurld home business. It only took me a couple of days to get it done. I named it Save N Shop Wurld Nbg (our team name). Go check it out! Google and the other web engines picked up my site a few days later and on Sunday, January 25th, my FIRST business partner prospect, Kimberly Yancey, found my site and joined my team. By the end of the day on Sunday, my team had grown to 6! If you want to join Kimberly's ShopWurld team, just click on her link. She would love to have you as a ShopWurld business partner.

As of today, 41 individuals have decided to join ShopWurld as my business partners! Not bad for the first 30 days, right? My Goal for the next 30 days is to double my team size to 82 ShopWurld business partners. If you are one of the next 10 individuals to join my team, I will personally help you get your business growing online as well! Better Hurry!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Team: Save N Shop Wurld Nbg is Born!

Hi everyone!

My name is Bobby Williams. I received an email e-vitation back on January 15, 2009. I knew that it was a home based business invite. Why? Because, like most home based entrepreneurial minded individuals, I'm used to getting a ton of emails, most of them home based business solicitations, so I've developed a keen eye for them and can spot them coming a mile away.

Also, as a home based business entrepreneur, I fully understand the importance and value of due diligence - that is, exploring each opportunity presented to you, making sure that you don't overlook an achievable explosive income opportunity. I quickly opened the email and started my ShopWurld journey.

As I started the uTube video presentation, I quickly noticed that it was a pretty kool video - sharp and professional in appearance. Not too fast I thought to my self! Don't get sucked into this mess just because of a neat little uTube video. So, I quickly raised my "wall of objection" as I loaded my list of "ready made" objections into my mind.

Objection #1:
I already have a Xocai healthy chocolate home business that I'm working, so marketing THIS program CANNOT compete OR interfere with my existing home based business development marketing. After all, I'm doing pretty well with my Xocai home business and I don't want to take anything away from it.

Objection #1 Dismissed:
Marketing the ShopWurld opportunity will not compete or interfere with my existing home based business. If fact, it will make a great compliment to my existing business.

Objection #2:
I don't need another bill! Joining home based businesses cost money! By the time, you scrape together enough money to cover the initial "start up" fees, you STILL have to deal with the "monthly autoship" fees until you can develop your business to the point of "break even". This could take months! Most people join home based businesses because they need some financial relief NOW!

Objection #2 Dismissed:
The ShopWurld home business opportunity requires:

No Investment!
No Selling!
No Inventory!
No Risk!
and... perhaps best of all... NO INCOME LIMITS!
That alone, makes this business EXTREMELY easy to promote and market!

Objection #3:
Does this company offer a product or service that I can "personally" endorse and support?
Make no mistake! Developing a successful home based business requires a tremendous amount of passion for the company and it's products or services. If you do not, you will most like fail!

Objection #3 Dismissed:
ShopWurld did not invent "affiliate marketing". That all started with and those companies. However, before ShopWurld, only the "tech-savy", "web designing", internet marketing guru's were able to participate and grab a reasonable share of the estimated 10 billion dollar affiliate marketing income pool. ShopWurld has created a home based business system that allows each of it's network partners (just ordinary individuals)grab a share "as big as they want"!

Well... with all my objections satisfied.... I JOINED THE COMPANY!